Online Biology Tutors in India

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1000+ Best Online Biology Tutors in India
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Search Results for Online Biology Tutors in India


Inspiring excellence through a commitment to student growth.

"Passionate tutor with expertise in guiding students up to class 10 in all subjects and specializing

Male, 25 Years

Teaching Experience: 5 Yrs    3 Yrs

Highest Qualification: M Sc. Chemistry in Physical Chemistry

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Jan,2024

Last Login: 08 Jan,2024

Fee: 400 - 700/Hour



Location: GTB Nagar, Delhi, 110009, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

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Rajeev Kharb (MHT-003922)

Associate Professor having 17 years of teaching experience

Presently working as Associate Professor, I am Ph.D. with career success of 17 years in teaching and

Male, 43 Years

Teaching Experience: 16 Yrs    10 Yrs

Highest Qualification: Pharmaceutical Sciences in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Jun,2021

Last Login: 26 Jun,2021

Fee: 500 - 1000/Hour



Location: Noida-Greater Noida Expy, 3C Lotus Zing, Sector 168, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Dhanalakshmi (MHT-005361)

Beleive in hard work ,commitment in profession, concept clarification and fulfill the students requirements

Hi. I am dhanalakshmi. I am biology neet tutor, currently handling online and offline classes for NE

Female, 42 Years

Teaching Experience: 10 Yrs    5 Yrs

Highest Qualification: M.Sc in NEET - BIOLOGY

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Aug,2022

Last Login: 29 Aug,2022

Fee: 800 - 1000/Hour



Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Priya Rana (MHT-006917)

A teacher is there person who encourage and support children

I am Pursuing BSC. Radiology and I always up my students percentage, their confident and i am sure

Female, 19 Years

Teaching Experience: 1 Yrs    0 Yrs

Highest Qualification: Bsc. Radiology in I will teach science and maths

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Aug,2023

Last Login: 17 Oct,2024

Fee: 4000 - 6000/Month



Location: Sector 20, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

N. Rainee Devi (MHT-004229)

Online/home tutor

Available for home as well as online tuition. Specialization in science and biology

Female, 22 Years

Teaching Experience: 3 Yrs    1 Yrs

Highest Qualification: in

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Sep,2021

Last Login: 31 Aug,2023

Fee: 2500 - 3500/Month



Location: Block B, Ashok Nagar Extension, New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh 110096, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Purva Sharma (MHT-005846)

My way of teaching

Teaching is my thing! I am very patient, flexible and open-minded. I encourage my students to ask qu

Female, 30 Years

Teaching Experience: 3 Yrs    1 Yrs

Highest Qualification: in

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Dec,2022

Last Login: 24 Dec,2022

Fee: 10000 - 15000/Month



Location: Rohtak, Haryana, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM



Biology teacher

Female, 34 Years

Teaching Experience: 5 Yrs    2 Yrs

Highest Qualification: in

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Aug,2021

Last Login: 14 Aug,2021

Fee: 300 - 500/Hour



Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Fahim Akhtar (MHT-006826)

Experienced Biology Teacher

I am PGT Biology Teacher with 8 years of experience. All Biological subject I can teach to student o

Male, 36 Years

Teaching Experience: 8 Yrs    3 Yrs

Highest Qualification: M.Sc in Microbiology

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Aug,2023

Last Login: 30 Dec,2023

Fee: 1500 - 6000/Month



Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Swapnil Singh (MHT-007035)

Understanding child psychology and thereby creating effective techniques

Learning is a life long process, a slow and tedious journey , allow me to be your pathfinder into th

Male, 27 Years

Teaching Experience: 2 Yrs    1 Yrs

Highest Qualification: D.el.ed in Child development and psychology

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Sep,2023

Last Login: 19 Sep,2023

Fee: 6000 - 10000/Month



Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Can Travel (upto): 5 KM

Sherlin Jose (MHT-006025)

Math tutor

I have a bachelor’s degree in Forestry and 4 years online tutoring experience. I have outstanding

Female, 29 Years

Teaching Experience: 4 Yrs    4 Yrs

Highest Qualification: B.Sc. Hons. Forestry in Science

Teaches online: Yes

Member Since: Feb,2023

Last Login: 12 Feb,2023

Fee: 300 - 600/Hour



Location: Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Can Travel (upto): 2 KM


How expensive are Online Biology Tutors in India and the surrounding areas?
The average cost of Online Biology Tutors in India is ₹400 per hour.

Prices will vary depending on:

  • The experience of your tutor
  • Where your lessons will be held (via webcam or your place)
  • The number of lessons and the duration of each class
  • 97% of private teachers on Mera Home Tutor offer the Demo Class free.

How many Online Biology Tutors in India available?
1,333 Online Biology Tutors in India are available to teach courses

To find your private tutor, view their cv to find out more information about their courses.

Is it possible to take classes online?

On Mera Home Tutor, you can learn online with a private tutor. Whether you need help revising for your class 12 exams, are struggling with homework or would just like to improve your concepts, our teachers can help you.

Many of our tutors also offer private online tuition. Around 80% of the private teachers on offer classes via zoom or skype and most of them offer DEMO Class free!

To find the available online lessons, just enter your subject criteria into the search engine and select the Online filter to see the available teachers who are currently offering online courses in your desired subject.

Online courses via webcam offer you more advantages. You can plan your classes to fit around your schedule and online lessons are often less expensive as the tutor does not need to travel.

How do pupils rate their Online Biology Tutors in India?
Students gave their tutors on average 5.0 out of 5 from a sample of 93 recommendations.

A customer relationship manager from the Mera Home Tutor team will be available to find a solution (by telephone or e-mail from Monday - Friday) if you have any questions about your course.

Where to find the best Online Biology Tutors in India?
Numerous skilled and academically qualified tutors are offering tuition classes to students of different age groups. These days, you can easily find tutors that meet your requirements in your locality. You can also find specialized tutors.

Top 10 Online Biology Tutors in India
One can also find Online Biology Tutors in India in top localities and more on Mera Home Tutor.
Mera Home Tutor helps you find the best Online Biology Tutors in India and tuition centers that have been reviewed and trusted by thousands of students.