1000+ Best Tutors in Mohan Nagar
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Search Results for Tutors in Mohan Nagar
Basawaraj (MHT-003502)
I am passionate teacher with graduation. I am proficient in teaching mathematics and science. I have
Male, 35 Years
Teaching Experience: 0 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Feb,2021
Last Login: 17 Feb,2021
Fee: 4000 - 6000/Month
Location: Manyata Tech Park Rd, Manyata Residency, Manayata Tech Park, Thanisandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560045, India
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
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POST REQUIREMENTPrateek Tyagi (MHT-003444)
Guaranteed improve ment
Male, 34 Years
Teaching Experience: 5 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Dec,2020
Last Login: 03 Dec,2020
Fee: 4200 - 6000/Month
Location: Plot no. 325 3rd florr girdhar enclave near ime collage shahibabad ghaziabad
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Preeti Sharma (MHT-003436)
Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve. Dependable. I am a dependable person who is gr
Female, 27 Years
Teaching Experience: 2 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Nov,2020
Last Login: 02 Nov,2020
Fee: 14 - 20/Month
Location: H.No-48,gali no-6A,old arya nagar,Ghaziabad
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Deepak Panchal (MHT-003429)
I am wizard in maths and chemistry
Male, 7 Years
Teaching Experience: 6 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Oct,2020
Last Login: 11 Oct,2020
Fee: 700 - 1000/Month
Location: Vill+Post Office+Idrishpur Distt-Baghpat Thana- Doghat
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
SUDHIR Kumar Sharma (MHT-003051)
Male, 47 Years
Teaching Experience: 20 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Oct,2018
Last Login: 27 Oct,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Location: B110,parsvnath mohan Nagar ghaziabad
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Dharmendra (MHT-002753)
Male, 31 Years
Teaching Experience: 2 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Jun,2018
Last Login: 30 Jun,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Location: c17,B type, first floor, parasvnath paradise, JP garden, Mohan Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201007
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Gyan Prakash Pandey (MHT-002670)
Male, 27 Years
Teaching Experience: 0 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: May,2018
Last Login: 29 May,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Location: Gali no. 5 , Om nagar, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Dharmendra Prasad (MHT-002615)
Male, 30 Years
Teaching Experience: 5 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: May,2018
Last Login: 14 May,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Location: HNo-43 village-karhera mohan nagar ghaziabad
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Female, 28 Years
Teaching Experience: 1 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: May,2018
Last Login: 05 May,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
Aditya Yadav (MHT-002546)
Male, 26 Years
Teaching Experience: 1 Yrs Yrs
Highest Qualification: in
Teaches online: No
Member Since: Apr,2018
Last Login: 27 Apr,2018
Fee: 2000 - 3000/Month
Location: A-38,new defence colony.mohan nagar
Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
How expensive are Tutors in Mohan Nagar and the surrounding areas?
The average cost of Tutors in Mohan Nagar is ₹400 per hour.
Prices will vary depending on:
- The experience of your tutor
- Where your lessons will be held (via webcam or your place)
- The number of lessons and the duration of each class 97% of private teachers on Mera Home Tutor offer the Demo Class free.
How many Tutors in Mohan Nagar available?
1,333 Tutors in Mohan Nagar are available to teach courses
To find your private tutor, view their cv to find out more information about their courses.
Is it possible to take classes online?
On Mera Home Tutor, you can learn online with a private tutor. Whether you need help revising for your class 12 exams, are struggling with homework or would just like to improve your concepts, our teachers can help you.
Many of our tutors also offer private online tuition. Around 80% of the private teachers on offer classes via zoom or skype and most of them offer DEMO Class free!
To find the available online lessons, just enter your subject criteria into the search engine and select the Online filter to see the available teachers who are currently offering online courses in your desired subject.
Online courses via webcam offer you more advantages. You can plan your classes to fit around your schedule and online lessons are often less expensive as the tutor does not need to travel.
How do pupils rate their Tutors in Mohan Nagar?
Students gave their tutors on average 5.0 out of 5 from a sample of 93 recommendations.
A customer relationship manager from the Mera Home Tutor team will be available to find a solution (by telephone or e-mail from Monday - Friday) if you have any questions about your course.
Where to find the best Tutors in Mohan Nagar?
Numerous skilled and academically qualified tutors are offering tuition classes to students of different age groups. These days, you can easily find tutors that meet your requirements in your locality. You can also find specialized tutors.
Top 10 Tutors in Mohan Nagar
One can also find Tutors in Mohan Nagar in top localities and more on Mera Home Tutor.
Mera Home Tutor helps you find the best Tutors in Mohan Nagar and tuition centers that have been reviewed and trusted by thousands of students.