Fuzail Malik (MHT-005605)
0 Years of ExperienceMale, 30 Years
- Member Since: Sep, 2022
- Last Login: 26 Sep, 2022
- Teaches online: Yes
- Online Teaching Experience: 0 Yrs
- Teaches at student's home: No
- Teaches at tutors's place: Yes
- Location: Ahiran Khera, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226003, India
- Can Travel (upto): 5 KM
- Medium of Instruction: Hindi,English,
- Teaches Board: CBSE,ICSE,UP Board,
Prefered Location:
Scientific way of thinking
My goal always has been to contribute to science and become a researcher particularly in neurology or molecular biology. But I don't like reading books and I've always been on the back foot - thwarted by people who worked harder than me. There is a difference between being smart and being knowledgeable. Any fool can gain knowledge, but being smart, being smart is something you are and not something that you possess, and it can only be gained through repeated trial and failure. Unfortunately, my failures were one too many - I want the next generation to learn from my failures so they can avoid them. My method of teaching is very different so be warned. You will likely leave with more questions than answers after each session. It will be difficult at first but once you learn to ask proper questions you'll realize you can find answers on your own and be confident in those answers rather than wanting reassurance for your beliefs in a book or from your teacher. Also, it's a lot more fun. The pupose of Science is to make things easier and so, it shouldn't be burden but a retreat - something you'd be willing to do even after a hard days work.
SAT Biology | Grade 8 to Master/Postgraduate | |
Biology NEET | Grade 10 to Master/Postgraduate | |
Biology | Grade 8 to Master/Postgraduate |
- British Council London, IELTS, (Dec 2013 to Dec 2013)
- CSIR Central institute of medicinal & aromatic plants, Training/Dissertation, (Jan 2020 to Sep 2020)
- Integral University Lucknow , Master of Science in Biochemistry , (Jun 1994 to Sep 2020)
Fee details:
600 INR hourly rate
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